We had a great Christmas, complete with a Santa visit! We've decided to start a new tradition and every year Avery will have to be buried in Christmas wrapping before she can open her gifts! Zoie was with us this year and needless to say she loves her little sister. No one else gets any squeezing time in because Zoie is always giving her kisses, but we really can't blame her!
Friday, December 28, 2007
yes she does have eyeballs!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
and in this corner, swaddled in pink, coming in at 7lbs and 11oz it's ......
Avery Eloise Calvin!!
Born December 20th at 10:51pm, 7lbs, 11oz, and 20 inches in length....
Sorry for the huge delay we've been busy staring at the super cute human that just moved in to our house. Dang she is cute. So cute that she made it snow on Christmas in Seattle, which only happens like once every 20 years, so that really tells ya something.
She is just perfect, she only fusses when she really needs something then she is quick to calm right back down. When she is awake she is very alert and looking all around, she never wants to be left out of a good time and she can sleep with the vacuum cleaner on and Maizey barking for a treat. She is a great eater and has two cute dimples that she only shows off to very special visitors. Grandma Mary Fran and Grandma Rose swear she smiles and no it is not gas! She has her mom's hitchhiker big toes and her dad's mouth, but we can't figure out where her cute little nose came from. Needless to say we are all in love and it's hard to put her down or not give her a million kisses even for a minute.
Okay I know you all only want pictures but if you want the gory details keep reading I'll give them to you, or feel free to skip this mess and think that she was dropped off by a stork with a Santa Hat.
At 2:30am on Thursday (the 20th) my water broke, we waited a bit then we headed off to Swedish Hospital. They were super busy over there at Swedish, every baby in Seattle wanted to get out before Christmas. Everything started out just fine, we had a nice private labor and delivery room and a nurse was in with us the whole time. Aunt Caroline and Grandma Mary Fran were able to stop in and say Hello. It was a really slow go at first but then the real business started around 7pm. Avery was what they call "sunny side up" and was faced the wrong direction, we pushed and pushed for 2 and a half hours then we decided to get some help. First the Doctor tried to use a vacuum that was placed on Avery's head so he could pull while I pushed. When that didn't work we had to go for the bigger guns, the scary mary forceps. Well, Avery didn't like those and I think she was tired so we were rushed in for a c-section. She finally came into the world at 10:51pm on the 20th. We were so excited to meet her and squeeze her that the 22 hours that came before seemed like a blur. Lucky Ben got to hold her first while I was being put back together. We then got to spend the next few days in the hospital getting room service and having lots of visitors. Avery apparently likes variety so she decided to run the gamut of birthing options, thankfully we are all healthy and happy and glad to be home.
One of the best parts of our labor was that we got to have 2 awesome nurses help us through the entire thing. For the first 12 hours we had Ali who was great and we all laughed and talked about puppies and what were the best HBO shows. We were sad that she had to go before Avery was born but her replacement was Carol, a friend of Ben's from Seattle U, she actually lived a block away from us at our old apartment. It was the perfect ending to have someone there that we knew and trusted and made the day just that much more special.
I wanted to thank everyone for their good wishes, visits and welcome home presents. This last week has been one fun blur!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Smugglin' Basketballs
We passed the stress test! All that means is that we are scheduled to be induced on Friday, but it's nice to have an end date. Avery is lookin' good and healthy, she is just too comfortable to make her move just yet. We got to see a 3-D ultrasound and she has super chubby cheeks and likes to suck her arm. It will be interesting to see if she looks like her ultrasound when she gets here.
Until then I'm an uncomfortable, bored pregnant lady who does wacky things to avoid getting sucked into the wiles of daytime TV. Apparently those things include, baking (look at them professional cookies!), blogging, and annoying the dog with a self timer camera and a pair of jingly reindeer antlers. Poor Ben has to work then come home to a bored chick who has been talking to the dog all day....
Here are some pics of Avery's nursery, yes it is as small as it looks!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Still "With Child"
Can you believe it? Yeah me neither, but I guess we should have suspected as much. We are officially a week late and going for stress tests tomorrow. If we "fail" then I will be induced right away, if we pass then I will be induced on Friday the 21st. So apparently we will have baby in arms and not in belly by Friday or Saturday. Needless to say I am super duper uncomfortable and a little on edge because the contractions have been coming like she is on her way!
Mark your calenders! Jan. 12th we are having a "sip 'n see" or like Caroline and I have been calling it the "gawk 'n guzzle." Everyone is welcome to drop on in and tickle Avery (and Ben if you ask nicely) and check out our digs here on Austin Street. More details on that to come! I think a baby first might be a good step!
I'm off to distract myself with sugary baking and cursing the boob tube because those writers are still on strike!
Mark your calenders! Jan. 12th we are having a "sip 'n see" or like Caroline and I have been calling it the "gawk 'n guzzle." Everyone is welcome to drop on in and tickle Avery (and Ben if you ask nicely) and check out our digs here on Austin Street. More details on that to come! I think a baby first might be a good step!
I'm off to distract myself with sugary baking and cursing the boob tube because those writers are still on strike!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Nerds Are Restless!!
Well, we did it! We have landed in Bloggernerdville! Welcome to our Blog, which will not always be filled with pictures of dancing pregnant ladies, delightful turkeys and dogs passed out on the couch from eating said turkey. But this is the random stuff you do when you are waiting around for baby Avery. Yes, folks, she is late, much like her ma. She was supposed to be here on Monday but she isn't loving the weather so she is staying put for now. And yes, we have warned her that the further away from Christmas she comes the better her presents will be, but she does not listen to her folks. We hope to keep this blog somewhat updated so you all can come and visit and get updates and pictures of our little muffin (the baby, not the dog). The picture of me is from a couple of months ago, I am waaaay bigger now, but I figured you all needed some kind of proof that I am actually preggers. Think good thoughts and wish us luck!
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