Sunday, December 28, 2008

Let it know the rest

After what seemed like a week of nasty germs in the Calvin house, we decided to finally get out of the house and go live a little. We made it all the way to Grandpa Dan and Grandma Rose's house and did a 360 across 4 lanes of traffic on I-5 (without hitting anything but scared the pants off of me). We ended up getting snowed in, which was fabulous because it included sugar cookies, hot coffee, and yummy meals! Thank goodness for the Subaru, cabin fever strikes fast and hard.

Snowy, Snotty Birthday Baby!

Happy Birthday to Sweet Baby A!! She turned the big 0-1 on the 20th and she got a cold, all wrapped up in a virus for her big day. Well that and mountains of snow so no one could come over and help her unwrap her presents, but that's okay we all still had fun and ate cute cupcakes and squealed in delight about her new shiny toys.
We can't believe it's been a year already. We really have been blessed with the best, funniest, most adorable, and genius baby that every was. I couldn't imagine life without her or imagine how much I would love her. Happy Birthday Avery Eloise! May the sun always shine on those cute cheeks and may you never stop dancing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A+ in the Head Department

92%! That's all brains baby...if brains were held in your cheeks like chipmunks hoard nuts. Try to not pinch them over the internets...just try to resist.

Harvest Moon

Fall time, Neil Young anyone? Man! I cannot get enough of him this time of year...well that and pumpkin spice in my coffee beans...the calm before the holiday storm.

Avery's first ferry ride...did you know they now have bomb sniffer dogs for those old rust buckets?

Day of the Dead 80's back up dancer

Try and guess these costumes! We are a highly creative bunch here on Austin St.

RIP the superest of Sonics RIP

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nakey Baby!

Why does such a little person require so many towels? Heavens Child! This girl loves to splash! Bathtime is fun, everyone ends up wet and the dog always tries to get in on the action.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Standin' and Screamin' and Teethin'

Long time no postie...Fall has arrived and we have all been sick for a week! Yippee for rain soaked days! These pictures are from the very end of you can tell my Avery's "pick me teacher I know the answer pose up top."

Avery is pulling herself up on just about anything, including knee caps. She also has two pearly whites on the bottom and more teeth starting the show their painful little heads. She has been gabbing a lot more...she thinks everyone is DADADADABADA. But she'll get there. Avery's hair is finally starting to fill in...Dad thinks it's brown, I still said RED at least when the sun hits it. We are having fun but everyone misses summer and all the clothes Vivi only got to wear once.

Zoie also joined the household full time and we are so very happy to have her. She is in a Seattle school called Pathfinder that is a K-8 school with small classes and borderline hippie teachers...which is great and we love love love it! She is making fast friends at school and is doing great in her classes and has been the bestest big sister a sweet baby could ask for.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Battin' down the Hatches!

The Kid Can Crawl!! Holy crap we are in trouble and a whirlwind of trying to vacuum up cat hair and dog toy fuzz. Avery El has developed a new trick and has mastered the crawl, or I guess it's only the 5 step crawl, but still. So far she has only tried to go after the dog and dirty shoes to put in her mouth, but I'm sure my wallet is next!

Hot Swing, Summer in the City

Jeez Louise, August really?!? We've been busy so far this summer. Zoie was with us all of July and her days (and ours really) were filled with day camp, soccer, and just one sunburn (and on a cloudy day no less). It really was a hoot and we miss not having her around asking questions and doing the dishes. She is getting so dang grown up! She is an awesome kid, and she's funny, which seems so important in my book. Avery just loves her and lights up when ever she sees her and since Zoie has gone back to her mom's, Avery tried to point at her picture and smile.

We've learned a lot so far this summer....

Avery hates the crowds at the cheesefest, even though she was strapped into the baby bjorn, Avery hates the Seattle wading pools...they aren't nearly warm enough,

The free "plays in the Park" are still filled with annoying drama major types, and not worth even a 5 minute stop

Nora can successfully make the "best chocolate chip cookies in the universe recipe" from the NY times...and she can eat most of the batch in less then 5 sittings.

Puppy Tennis is awesome, the dog can run and run and run without a leash, but the broad is still fenced in!

Avery loves the baby swings at the park...but granny thinks she goes to high.

Kitties can grieve.

On a sad note, our fat fluffy Seamus died in July. We don't know what happened but our neighbors found him on their front steps. He had been watching the Miss. Universe pageant with Zoie and I the night before but the next day he was gone. It was the first pet that Zoie has lost, and it was the first pet that I had lost after having Zoie and Avery around, so it was a wacky thing to cry and be sad but then quickly try to pull it together because Zoie was so upset, I guess that's part of the whole parenting thing huh? But we miss him around here, my 20 pound monstrosity of fur and love and really loud purrs. He knew his name and he pretended to play fetch and he was brave enough to put Maizey in her place, even though she had 60lbs on him. He was a good cat, and hell I hardly like cats. Ben says I can't replace animals...but I'm trying to wear him down even though I know one crazy Maizey and one tranny cat is more then enough.