Oh the many faces of Avery! Too bad she is so squigley and most of her pictures turn out on the blurry side. She is still getting used to the outside world and is having fun doing it for the most part. She really is a easy baby (knock on wood) and has been known to sleep for 6 hour stretches - at night! Aunt Caroline and Avery have been bonding and Aunt Caroline teaches her how to make new faces. We have had lots and lots of visitors. Grandma Mary Fran was a huge help during our first week home, she kept our kitchen clean and our bellies full. We highly recommend hiring her for in home nursing skills, the best part is she takes baby kisses as payment in full. This week Grandpa Jon is visiting and helping around the house and giving us a break. Uncle John has stopped in and Avery was in his arms the whole time. Caroline and Horia have been coming by often to give us a laugh break and they have to set the egg timer to make sure they both get equal baby time (they even stop by seperately just to get in all alone Avery fixes). We have been so lucky to have so many great people helping us!
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